Lost in the Wine List? Here Are 10 Tips to Choose the Perfect Wine at a Restaurant

Never Order the Wrong Wine Again: Insider Tips from Sommeliers (and a Few Hacks)

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a wine list? Do you find it tough to pick a wine when everyone at the table orders different dishes? Is the house wine or recommended option actually good? Should you send back a wine that doesn't taste right to you? Don't worry, I've got ten tips to make your wine-picking experience much simpler and more enjoyable.

Heading out for dinner? Got an important business lunch? It's your turn to pick the wine, and sometimes it feels like a daunting task.

If the restaurant has a sommelier, you're in luck. Just let them do their job and guide you.

Trusting a sommelier is like trusting a doctor with their diagnosis. A sommelier is a trained professional. It's best to rely on their expertise—they'll suggest a wine that matches the dishes, pleases the guests, and fits within your budget.

But what if there's no sommelier, which is often the case? Then it's up to you to tackle the wine list on your own.

At that point, you can play it safe with a wine you've enjoyed before or take a chance on something new or from a lesser-known wine region.

Many restaurants, even without a sommelier, still take great care of their wine selections.

No matter what, when you face the wine list, these tips will make your life a lot easier:

1. Match the Main Dish

If you're choosing just one type of wine, it's best to pick something that pairs well with the main course.

2. Start Simple

If you're ordering multiple wines, begin with lighter wines like dry whites, rosés, or young reds, and save more complex reds for later.

3. Freshness Matters

Whites, rosés, and young reds should be from the latest vintage. In spring, you should be served wines from the previous year's harvest. If not, consider rejecting the bottle as it might not be at its best.

4. Fresh Glasses

Ask for a clean glass with each new wine.

5. Table Service

The bottle should be opened at the table, in front of you.

6. Check the Cork

Inspect the cork to ensure it's in good condition. If it's broken or wine-soaked, ask for a new bottle. If the waiter breaks the cork while opening, request a new bottle without hesitation.

7. Taste Test

Don't be afraid to taste the wine and share your thoughts. Familiarize yourself with some tasting tips to appreciate it better.

8. Temperature Check

Make sure the wine is at the right temperature. If you want it cooler, don't hesitate to ask for an ice bucket, even for red wine.

9. Portion Control

A bottle typically yields 5-6 glasses. If there are fewer people, wait before ordering another bottle to see if it's necessary.

10. Enjoyment Over Perfection

Don't stress too much about perfect pairings. Focus on enjoying the wine, the food, and the company. Don't be afraid of the wine.

With these tips, you'll feel more confident and capable next time you're handed a wine list. Cheers to making great wine choices and enhancing your dining experience!

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